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Central Coast of California BDSM experiment w/Domina V De Luxe

Central Coast of California BDSM experiment w/Domina V De Luxe

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Classified ad type:offering Phone:8056021399
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Well versed Domme with own private, well equipped studio in the city of San Luis Obispo (halfway between SF & LA!) - 5min from hwy 101/Madonna Rd exits.

Discreet domination in BDSM, Fetish and Kink Experiment. What is your favorite activity? Exploring the scent of leather? Being paddled into a state of bliss? Zoning out in a full-body leather sleep sack? Being put in restrictive leather, chain, rope or cling film bondage for a spell? Do you crave a high heel pressed against your flesh, teasing and in your mouth? How about a little fun with dildos? Maybe you're due for a check-up in clinic, sounding or electro stim? Sometimes a good whipping or flogging is needed...

Bring that ass to Me.

When calling:
If the voicemail picks up (I may be busy) leave a voicemail introduction w/your name, age, interests, date/time you'd like to schedule, what you're into + experience you have. If you have (2) references for screening include these or text them to Me. This will speed up the process x10.

I look forward to meeting & training you!
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